The Todas Avante project aims to increase the realization of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of in and out-of-school adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) aged 10-24 years in Nampula, Mozambique. It will build upon results and lessons learned from the GAC-funded Healthy Women and Girls project implemented by Plan Canada (P001262); and will adopt a comprehensive approach addressing three core pillars: demand, supply and accountability. Demand-side activities will focus on AGYW’s individual and collective agency to exercise their SRHR (inc., mentoring and training AGYW, and training community leaders and initiation rites practitioners). Supply-side activities will be done through health systems strengthening (inc., rehabilitation/construction of 8 health facilities/SAAJs and training healthcare workers on SRH, safe abortion and post-abortion care, sexual and gender-based violence and mental health). To improve accountability, the project will target 8 local organizations (inc., women’s rights and LGBTQIA+ organizations) with capacity building, networking, and influencing opportunities (inc. conducting evidence-based advocacy on GE and SRHR). The initiative will directly benefit 89,340 people comprising 55,537 AGYW aged 10-24 years, and 10,949 adolescent boys and young men.
The expected outcomes for this project include: (1) increased individual and collective agency of diverse adolescent girls and young women to exercise their sexual and reproductive health and rights; (2) health systems provide improved gender -and adolescent-responsive & inclusive (GAR&I) sexual responsive health, infection prevention and control, mental health, and hazard/outbreak preparedness services for diverse adolescent girls and young women; and (3) improved responsiveness of institutional stakeholders for evidence-based, integrated, gender- and adolescent-responsive and inclusive sexual and reproductive health, legal frameworks, policies, and services.