February 2018 Newsletter

Registration Now Open for the 2018 CanWaCH Conference: Beyond 2020: Canadian Global Health and Development Programming

Conference logo

We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for our 2018 Conference – Beyond 2020: Canadian Global Health and Development Programming. Civil society and NGOs, academics, researchers, health practitioners, government representatives, advocates and youth will join from across Canada and around the world to discuss the future of Canada’s global health and development programming. Register today to be sure not to miss out!
We have also launched a Call for Contributors. At the Beyond 2020 Conference, we will bring global health and development programming into ‘focus’ by reflecting on current programs to see Where We’ve Arrived and by putting on our new lenses to view Where We Need to Be. Bring your organization and its work into focus too by becoming a conference contributor! Check out the multiple opportunities available and feel free to contact [email protected] with any questions or comments.
We will have many more Conference updates over the next two months so be sure to check yourCanWaCH email updates, our social media channels and our website for all of the latest Conference news.
Deliver for Good Joins Global Partnership for Education Replenishment to #FundEducation for Girls Everywhere
This month, Deliver for Good Partners and Allies joined the Global Partnership for Education at Replenishment in early February to #FundEducation & #ShapeTheFuture for girls everywhere. We know that when you open the door to quality education for girls, you open the door to a future in which girls deliver more equitable, healthy and prosperous societies. Check out their latest Deliver for Good Newsletter, which has useful tools for making the investment case for equitable and quality education for girls at all levels.
CanWaCH is a Deliver for Good Campaign Ally and our members are invited to share any related content or information on the campaign’s monthly themes by emailing us
Handicap International is Now Humanity & Inclusion!

humanity & inclusion logo

Handicap International is proud to unveil their new identity, Humanity & Inclusion! It brings their core values to the surface and gives HI a modern, fresh look. It also unifies their programs under one, accessible logo with a strong symbol—the hand. Immediately recognizable, the hand transcends language and culture. It conveys both warmth (a wave/welcome), and outrage (conveying ‘stop!’, as in Stop Bombing Civilians!).

Their new identity is accompanied by a beautiful new film, featuring the voice of Canadian singer Feist. You can view and share the 60-second video by clicking here, as well as a 45-second version.
New Online Learning Series from CanWaCH

CanWaCH is working on a series of online learning opportunities in collaboration with our members and associates. Visit our website to learn more about this work. If you are interested in working with CanWaCH staff to organize a webinar that would be of benefit to those in our partnership, please contact Andy Cragg. We are currently working on a conversation about working with Indigenous communities – if you have experience in this area, we’d love to hear from you to make sure that you are part of the conversation.

If you missed our most recent webinar on measuring the effectiveness of your public engagement and outreach activities, you can find it on the CanWaCH YouTube channel.

Vitamin A: A Drop that Saves Lives

Mother holds baby as he gets his vitamin A drop.

The first one thousand days of a child’s life are critical for his or her future. Canada contributes to ensuring that every child is born and grows up healthy in Côte d’Ivoire by working with UNICEF to intervene during the first one thousand days, during pregnancy and the first two years of every child’s life—the most fragile and critical period—to ensure that every child is born and grows up healthy, regardless of where he or she lives or comes from. You can learn more about the work being done in Côte d’Ivoire in the UNICEF Canada blog Vitamin A: A drop that saves livesand by checking out their photo album and video.  
Win a Flight to Anywhere Within Canada with Action Against Hunger Canada’s Inspire 2018 Photo Contest!
Action Against Hunger is launching the first annual Inspire 2018 Photo Contest! Share a photo that you’ve taken of people, a place or moment in any of the 50+ countries they work in, including Canada, that inspires you to take action against hunger. Post your photo and caption to their #Inspire2018 Facebook event page before Friday, February 23rd and you could win a flight to anywhere in Canada!
All the contest details, including judging details, are available on Action Against Hunger Canada’s website.
Join Our Shared Momentum! Apply Today to be a CanWaCH Member or Associate

Becoming a member or associate of CanWaCH offers many opportunities and benefits. In the words of one member: “Being a member of CanWaCH is an opportunity for collective action in support of the best health outcomes for women and children around the world by sharing best practice, through policy dialogue and by promoting the benefits of international aid to Canadians to build their ongoing understanding and support.”

Apply today to join us as a member or associate! Please feel free to contact Leigha McCarroll ([email protected]) if you have any membership-related questions or visit our website to learn more.

Curious about who CanWaCH members are? Click here to learn more about Our Members.
New Website to Improve Registration of Vital Events and Health Information
When countries maintain strong systems to register births, deaths (and their causes), marriages and divorces, individuals – particularly women and children – can more easily access basic rights and services and governments can plan and monitor progress toward health improvements. The Centre of Excellence for Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) Systems’ new website www.crvssystems.ca(www.systemesESEC.ca for French) will help governments do this by making knowledge readily available for countries aiming to develop, strengthen and scale-up their national civil registration system and improve their vital statistics reporting.
Housed at the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the Centre of Excellence was established with seed funding from Global Affairs Canada and IDRC. It contributes directly to the work of the Global Financing Facility in Support of Every Woman Every Child.
IDRC Shares Findings on eHealth for Maternal and Child Health
Seven IDRC-supported projects on three continents designed and tested innovative ways of using eHealth to reach those with the greatest need: vulnerable women and children. A campaign is underway to share the results of this research. A series of infographics and web articles highlight how these seven projects have overcome common challenges faced by eHealth programs — including gender inequality and the need to empower women. Visit the webpageView the infographic.
ADRA Canada’s Newly Released EMBRACE Project Videos
ADRA Canada’s Embrace Project is working in remote communities of the Philippines to reduce the death rates of women due to complications during pregnancy and giving birth. The project includes community education, training for midwives and providing birthing equipment for clinics. You can learn more about ADRA’s EMBRACE Project by viewing their newly released project videos.
ADRA Canada Launches New Podcast
ADRA Canada is excited to launch the ADRA Canada Podcast series.  Please join ADRA for their first episode featuring Michael Kirkby who shares about his recent trip to Uganda where he visited the Bidi Bidi refugee settlement. You can listen to the Podcast here.  
Submit Your Feedback for the Independent Accountability Panel (IAP) for Every Woman, Every Child, Every Adolescent 
The Independent Accountability Panel (IAP) for Every Woman, Every Child, Every Adolescent would love your feedback on its second report, Transformative Accountability for Adolescents launched in September 2017. The purpose of this survey is to collect information on this report’s relevance and impact and use the learnings from your comments and recommendations to help improve future reporting. All responses are anonymous and confidential. Deadline is February 28th.  
Call for Papers: Maternal & Child Nutrition Special Issue, “How to Strengthen Nutrition into the Health Platform: Programmatic evidence and experience from Low and Middle Income Countries”

Maternal & Child Nutrition is currently calling for papers for a special issue, USAID’s Maternal and Child Survival Program (MCSP): ‘How to Strengthen Nutrition into the Health Platform:  Programmatic evidence and experience from Low and Middle Income Countries’. For more information, please contact Justine Kayle, [email protected]. Submissions are due by April 1, 2018


Every Newborn: An advocacy toolkit and guidance manual for ending preventable deaths, by Healthy Newborn Network
Every Woman, Every Child’s ‘Progress in Partnership’ for stillbirths: a commentary by the stillbirth advocacy working group, by E. ATeva, et. al.
Feminism on the Cheap: Can Canada Achieve its Ambitious Gender Equality Aid Targets with No New Money? By Liam Swiss, GroW Research Series
Girls’ Rights are Human Rights: An in-depth study of the status of girls in the international human rights framework, by Plan International
In focus – Healthy Lives for Vulnerable Women and Children: Applying Health Systems Research by International Development Research Centre
The Maternal Health Thematic Fund: Towards Equality in Access, Quality of Care and Accountability – Phase II (2014-2017) – Progress Report, by UNFPA
Nutrition: Cornerstone of Gender Equality Conference Report, by Action Against Hunger Canada, CARE Canada, CanWaCH, GAIN, Nutrition International, Plan International Canada, RESULTS Canada, Save the Children Canada, WaterAid Canada, Women Deliver and World Vision Canada


February 12-18: Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Week
February 20: CanWaCH and RESULTS Canada, Dialogue with Mariam Claeson: Global Financing Facility, Ottawa
February 26: Making the Invisible Visible: CRVS as a basis to meeting the 2030 Gender Agenda, Ottawa
February 21: SickKids Global Child Health, A new way of financing women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health – the role of the Global Financing Facility (GFF), Toronto
February 23: Aga Khan Foundation of Canada, The Lancet Series: Canada’s Global Leadership on Health, Ottawa
February 27-28: Harnessing the Power: CRVS Systems for 2030 Global Agendas, Ottawa
February 27: Advancing Collaboration on Sustainable Development in Canada, Toronto & Online
March 1-4: 18th International Congress on Infectious Diseases, Buenos Aires, Argentina
March 6-9: 49th Session of the UN Statistical Commission, New York
March 8: International Women’s Day
March 11: NGO CSW Consultation Day, New York
March 12-23: 62nd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women, New York
March 13: NGO CSW Reception, New York
March 15-16: Mcgill University, Unpacking Women’s Empowerment: Implications for Research, Policy and Practice in International Development, Montreal
March 15-18: 9th Annual CUGH Global Health Conference, New York
March 21-23: Data for Development Festival, Bristol, UK
March 24: World Tuberculosis Day
April 7: World Health Day
April 15-19: 11th International Symposium on Pneumococci & Pneumococcal Diseases, Melbourne, Australia
April 17-18: CanWaCH Conference: Beyond 2020: Canadian Global Health and Development, Ottawa 
April 25: World Malaria Day
May 5-7: RESULTS Canada, 2018 RESULTS Canada National Conference, Ottawa
May 21-26: World Health Assembly, Geneva
May 23: International Day to End Obstetric Fistula  
May 28-June 2: 36th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases, Malmö, Sweden
October 22-24: UN World Data Forum 2018, Dubai
November 10-14: American Public Health Association, APHA 2018 EXPO, San Diego
LGBTQ in Humanitarian Sector
November 19-21: CSIH and CanWaCH, 24th Canadian Conference on Global Health & CanWaCH AGM, Ottawa
November 12-15: Fifth International Conference on Family Planning, Kigali, Rwanda



February 15, 2018




