Dear CanWaCH members and colleagues,
After months of working closely together, collaboration won the day at Women Deliver 2019 as Canada locked in its position as a global leader in advancing the health and rights of women, adolescents and children around the world with a ten-year, $1.4 billion annual investment. CanWaCH and the entire global health community celebrated Prime Minister Trudeau’s announcement. We celebrate thinking ambitiously, leading boldly and acting collectively … and we celebrate the transformative impact it will have on the lives of women, adolescents and children around the globe.
Over the past year, a diverse coalition of Canadian organizations leading in global health have been working together to develop the Thrive Agenda, the basis for the momentous investment. We are so proud to work alongside members and sector partners who tirelessly champion the health, rights and wellbeing of women and children around the world. CanWaCH looks forward to working with the government as well as our members and sector colleagues in charting the course for the implementation of the Thrive Agenda.
Following the Prime Minister’s announcement, at an event at the Canada Pavilion, Minister Monsef announced that a $325 million call for proposals will be launched shortly so we can begin our important work quickly. Stay tuned to CanWaCH channels for more details!
CanWaCH was also delighted to have Minister Monsef join us at our reception with the Women Deliver 2019 Mobilization Canada at the Canada Pavilion. We were thrilled to bring CanWaCH members, Women Deliver Mobilizers and bursary recipients together to celebrate Canadian leadership in global health and gender equality. Following the reception, our group continued the celebrations at Women Deliver’s Culture Night – an evening of music, food, art and fun.
As Katja Iversen, President & CEO of Women Deliver, asked in the closing plenary, “Now Women Deliver 2019, how will you use YOUR power?” Now is the time to take what we’ve learned and the energy we felt at Women Deliver and continue to push for gender equality at home and abroad.
Julia Anderson
Acting Executive Director
Women Deliver Mobilization Canada – One year later!
It has been quite a year! Thank you to all the CanWaCH Members, sector partners and Board Members who supported the Mobilization. Our call to action to advance the conversation on gender equality around the world was taken up by 340 organizations who signed on as Mobilizers. The Mobilization was proud to sponsor the Longhouse Dialogues – a space that offered the general public free access to a number of exciting cultural events and dialogue sessions. Additionally, the Mobilization was thrilled to fund over 50 bursary recipients to attend Women Deliver and we can’t wait to see what this inspiring group of individuals will do next! The conference may be over, but the importance of our legacy work to advance gender equalitycontinues and we look forward to providing opportunities for Mobilizers to continue to connect and collaborate with one another.
Canadian leadership doesn’t end at Women Deliver 2019!
Women Deliver 2019 reinforced that Canada is leading the way in championing the health and rights of the world’s most marginalized people. While we have achieved a lot in recent years, there is still work to be done so that all women and children can thrive around the world. Now is the time to let your family and friends know you’re proud of Canada’s leadership in supporting the health rights of women and children by liking Lead On Canada on Facebook and sharing the following post:
I support Canada’s leading role in championing the health and rights of the world’s most marginalized people. Every woman and child around the world deserves the opportunity to thrive. #LeadOnCanada
Canadian Cooperation in Support of Strengthening Health Systems in Haiti
Canadian partners working in health in Haiti met this month in Ottawa to exchange ideas on how to best integrate gender equality in their programming. The Call to Action for Strong Canadian Cooperation in Support of Haiti’s Health System is now endorsed by an additional 5 Canadian partners, bringing the signatories up to 30! Welcome to Humanity & Inclusion, Mennonite Central Committee, HOPE International Development Agency, Consortium d’appui en médecine Canada Haïti (CAMCH) and Université Laval.
You don’t want to miss this interactive digital report that captures the breadth and depth of Canadian contributions to global health and gender equality data, research, and evaluation in an accessible and engaging fashion. The important work of the 60+ Canadian organizations who contributed to this report is front-and-centre. Immerse yourself in the case studies, consider the challenges presented, interact with the digital dashboards! Be sure to tag @CanWaCH and use the hashtag #Collab4Impactwhen sharing the report on social media.
Historic investment launches new era for Canadian leadership in women and children’s health, CanWaCH
Youth-Led Roadmap for Gender Equality: A Plan to Achieve Sustainable Development GOla 5 in Canada, Plan International Canada
Four things we learned about male engagement before, during and after pregnancy, Jessica Bryant, Head of Communications, Media and PR, Save the Children Canada
Canadian Leadership in Nutrition, CanWaCH
Canada’s ambassador for Women, Peace and Security, Government of Canada
How to better integrate gender equality and nutrition, Devex
Q&A: Why women farmers are key to good nutrition, Devex
After 14 years as a midwife, I’m impatient about ending maternal deaths, Evoke
Kenyan FGM survivor’s film urges women not to ‘die in silence’, Reuters
Innovative Finance: Lessons Learned and Opportunities (Video), Grand Challenges Canada and Nutrition International
Innovative new Canadian initiative will mobilize unprecedented funds towards gender equality, Equality Fund
Video Archives from Women Deliver 2019, Women Deliver 2019
June 27th, Webinar: Understanding the Thrive Agenda, Online
June 27th, Drawdown Toronto Summit on Climate Action & Gender Equality, Toronto
July 28th, World Hepatitis Day, Global
August 12th, International Youth Day, Global
October 11th, International Day of the Girl, Global
October 17-19th, Canadian Conference on Global Health, Ottawa
Add your event to the More Canada Events Calendar.
Global Affairs Canada, 2019 Call for Concept Notes: Development Impact Window, Canada
Canadian Red Cross, Various Positions, Ottawa
Cuso International, Various Volunteer Positions, Global
PWRDF, Head of Donor Relations & Fundraising, Toronto
RESULTS Canada, Campaigns Officer, Ottawa
Canadian Feed the Children, Senior Manager – Major Gifts, Relationships and Philanthropy, Toronto
November 7-8th, Improving Care through World-Class Data and Innovation, Ottawa