October 2019 Newsletter

CanWaCH staff at a registration table
Photo: CanWaCH

CanWaCH Annual General Meeting 2019

This year, CanWaCH is partnering with the Canadian Council for International Cooperation (CCIC) to host our Annual General Meeting (AGM), as well as interactive conference sessions, as part of the Summit on Canada’s Global Leadership on November 27, 2019 in Ottawa. Admission to the AGM business meeting, which takes place from 8:30 to 9:30 am on Nov. 27th, is free for all CanWaCH members. RSVP for the AGM today!  

Youth are key constituents in Canada’s global activities. To support meaningful youth engagement in the conference, the Summit Partners, along with our Youth Sponsors (Engineers Without Borders & World University Service of Canada), are excited to present this opportunity for youth bursaries. Apply now! 

Upcoming Webinar: Menstrual Hygiene Day 2020 

Join us for our upcoming webinar with WASH United on October 23rd! Learn how you can join the global movement in preparation for International Menstrual Hygiene Day 2020. In 2019, there were 734 on-the-ground events in 74 countries. Let’s keep the momentum going in Canada and around the world! Register today

Bilingual Launch of CanWaCH’s Analytics Portal!

Complementing the CanWaCH Project Explorer, the Analytics Portal is an interactive tool that visualizes data shared by organizations in a variety of creative ways. Test it out here and explore the collective efforts of Canadian organizations working in global health and gender equality in both official languages! 

Photo: CanWaCH

Canadian Collaborative for Global Health: Creating a Data Culture

On September 30th, representatives from the six Labs that make up the CanWaCH Canadian Collaborative for Global Health convened in Ottawa. These labs gathered to foster new support networks in the sector and dig into the strengths, challenges and future directions of their projects. Here are the key takeaways from the day. 

Calling all CanWaCH members: Take part in our upcoming Fall Data Drive! 

Next week, CanWaCH will launch our second Data Drive of the year to update the Project Explorer! Stay tuned and be ready to share your project information in order to make sure that we start 2020 with a complete picture of Canadian efforts in global health and gender equality around the world! 

Project information can be submitted at anytime throughout the year and there are three options for adding data to the Project Explorer :

Please contact Mélody Tondeur, CanWaCH’s Manager of Metrics, for support.

Midwifery: Growing a Sustainable Future 

It’s not too late to register for the 2019 CAM Conference October 23-25 in Halifax Nova Scotia.  Join the Canadian Association of Midwives (CAM) for compelling keynote speakers, fascinating panel discussions, presentations on the latest research, fun social events and the Canadian premiere of the documentary Voice Choice Change: The Lives of Midwives.

It’s World Sight Day! 

Did you know that 80% of blindness is avoidable? Yet, millions of people around the world continue to suffer from it. This year, Operation Eyesight is reflecting on UNGA 74 and the important role that eye-care services have to play on the road to universal health coverage! 


Christian Children’s Fund of Canada rebrands to Children Believe, Children Believe 

Champions from Within: Canada’s Gender Equality Week at UNGA, CanWaCH 

Multilateral agencies launch a joint plan to boost global health goals, UN Women 

UN Political Declaration on Universal Health Coverage, UN News 

A new ‘brand’ of love: Gender equality training strengthens families, Canadian Feed the Children 

5 Reasons Why Canadians Should (Still) Care About Gender Equality, CanWaCH 

Voice, Choice, Change: The Lives of Midwives, Canadian Association of Midwives (CAM) 

Nutrition International Makes Two Commitments as Global Goalkeepers Partner, Nutrition International 

Adolescent Nutrition and Anaemia Course, Nutrition International


October 10-November 4th, In a Heartbeat : a travelling exhibit about women leading change at the Ismaili Centre, Toronto

October 10th, World Sight Day, Global 

October 11th, International Day of the Girl, Global 

October 15, International Day of Rural Women, Global 

October 16th, World Food Day, Global 

October 17th, International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, Global 

October 17-19th, Canadian Conference on Global Health, Ottawa 

October 23rd, Building a brighter future: improving women and girls’ health and rights, Toronto 

October 23rd, Giving Youth a Voice, Online 

November 7-8th, Improving Care through World-Class Data and Innovation, Ottawa

November 14th, 2019 SDG Leadership Awards Ceremony, Toronto 

November 27-28th, Summit on Canada’s Global Leadership, Ottawa 

November 27th, CanWaCH AGM, Ottawa 

May 2-4th, RESULTS Canada National Conference 2020, Ottawa 

Add your event to the More Canada Events Calendar.


Canadian Foodgrains Bank, Executive Director, Winnipeg 

Canadian Red Cross, Manager, Corporate Partnerships, Canada 

Canadian Red Cross, Officer, Specialized & Advisory Services, Canada 

Canadian Red Cross, Various Volunteer Positions, Global

CCIC, Program Assistant, Ottawa 

Horizons of Friendship, Resource Development Officer, Cobourg 

IDRC, Global Call for Inaugural IDRC College of Reviewers, Global 

Nutrition International, Director of Resource Mobilization, Ottawa 

WaterAid Canada, Fund Development Manager, Ottawa 


October 9, 2019




