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The ambitious commitments launched under Generation Equality must be paired with a robust monitoring and accountability ecosystem to ensure progress is being made. But gaps in data and evidence about the lived realities of girls and women in all their diversity and across their lifecycles are profound. Fortunately, feminist movements have their fingers on the pulse of gender equality policy and norm change and a deep understanding of the ongoing challenges for a diverse constituency of girls and women.
Join Equal Measures 2030 with ARROW, Equality Fund, and Global Fund for Women for an interactive discussion of the role that feminist movements can play in driving accountability for the commitments launched at the Generation Equality Forum. Reflecting a focus on listening, this event will have a ‘fishbowl’ format to allow audience members to actively engage in the discussion.
Date: 29 June 2021
10.00 (AST) Antigua & Barbuda
15:00 (BST) UK
16.00 (CAT) Zambia
22:00 (MST) Malaysia
Yande Banda, Global Fund for Women’s Adolescent Girls Advisory Council
Sivananthi Thanenthiran, Executive Director, ARROW
Amina Doherty, Program Director – Women’s Voice and Leadership – Caribbean, Equality Fund
Moderator: Saran Koly, Head of Communications, Equal Measures 2030
The event will have live interpretation for English, Spanish and French.