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Addressing gender and nutrition data gaps through the operationalization of the Gender-Transformative Framework for Nutrition

“Our CoLab seeks to build on the momentum created by the Gender Transformative Framework for Nutrition to transform the way organizations tackle the underlying drivers of malnutrition through the co-creation of practical tools and guidance that promote gender equality and empowerment through multisectoral action.”

What are the data problems that this Lab is working to solve?

The proposed project will define a robust action plan to inform the development of a toolkit for the operationalization of the Gender-Transformative Framework for Nutrition (GFTN).

It will research potential outcomes to measure activities, indicators, sources, and target groups that would inform the design, administration and monitoring according to the GTFN.

By addressing these underlying barriers to effective data collection and use, the outputs of this project may be utilized directly by communities and nutrition sector actors to drive gender-transformative change across the nutrition program life cycle that ultimately tackles gender inequalities, discriminatory gender norms and unequal power imbalances that contribute to malnutrition.


  • Kenya
  • Nigeria
  • Pakistan
  • Philippines
  • Ethiopia

Do you have any questions about this CoLab? Contact Victoria Sauveplane-Stirling.

Co-Creation Front & Center at Women Deliver 2023

Catalyzing Collective Action Through Gender Transformative Nutrition was an event jointly hosted by the Gender Transformative Framework for Nutrition Coalition (GTFN), a Collaborative initiative, and the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement. The session sought to explore and highlight the potential of the GTFN to tackle gender inequalities and improve nutrition outcomes by analyzing gender power dynamics and engaging in nutrition programs at national, subnational and community levels.

Read more here.

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