Exploring ethics in MEAL

Ethical monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL) goes beyond job descriptions, formal ethics reviews or publication requirements. In global health and development work, it’s a moral imperative that everyone, in every role, needs to address. This session will offer practical guidance and promising practices with real-world examples to help you bridge ethical gaps in your own MEAL work.

Additional Links:

Ethical publishing in ‘Indigenous’ contexts

Ethical Aboriginal Research

Indigenous Evaluation Example (with examples on how ethics were incorporated)

Beyond Do No Harm to Being Responsible Relatives: Celebrating and Valuing Indigenous Scholarship Through Peer-Reviewed Publications and Processes

Ethics in MEAL for Health and Rights Programming: A Short Guide fills a gap in the area of ethics in Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) in global health and rights programs, providing practical guidance and promoting promising practices.


June 19, 2023


