Canada-Africa Initiative to Address Maternal, Newborn and Child Mortality

Reporting Organization:Amref Health Africa in Canada
Total Budget ($CAD):$ 28,865,995
Timeframe: March 4, 2016 - March 31, 2020
Status: Implementation
Contact Information: Unspecified

Partner & Funder Profiles

Reporting Organization

Amref Health Africa in Canada

Funders (Total Budget Contribution)

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Country - Total Budget Allocation

Ethiopia - $ 10,103,098.25 (35.00%)

Tanzania, United Republic of - $ 10,103,098.25 (35.00%)

Kenya - $ 6,350,518.90 (22.00%)

Malawi - $ 2,309,279.60 (8.00%)

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Areas of Focus

Health - Total Budget Allocation

Health Systems, Training & Infrastructure (25 %)

Reproductive Health & Rights incl. Maternal Health (25 %)

Nutrition (12.5 %)

Primary Health Care (12.5 %)

Other - Total Budget Allocation

WASH (25 %)

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The program will be implemented by a consortium of experienced Canadian organizations including Amref Health Africa in Canada (lead agency), Christian Children’s Fund of Canada, SickKids Centre for Global Child Health and WaterAid Canada in Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi and Tanzania over a 4 year period (March 2016 to March 2020). The program aims to contribute towards reduced maternal, neonatal and child mortality in 20 districts across the four targeted countries through an integrated approach that aligns with the Globa Affairs Canada MNCH paths on strengthening health systems, reducing the burden of diseases and improving nutrition. Supporting regional and district level Ministries of Health (MOH) and local governments, the program will work to improve the supply, quality and demand for integrated reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH), nutrition and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services in targeted communities and health facilities. The program will work with MOH officials to enhance governance, accountability and capacity to support quality RMNCH services. The program will also improve the quality of health statistics and information made available to the public by strengthening the mechanics of health management information system (HMIS) usage in communities and health facilities. The program will directly benefit 1,756,284 people including 1,329,804 girls and women of reproductive age and 426,480 boys and men. An additional 1,452,703 women, men, girls and boys will be reached indirectly.

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Target Population

Gender and age: Adult women Adolescent females Adolescent males Under-5 children Newborns
Total Direct Population: 1,756,284
Total Indirect Population: 1,452,703
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1047 Community health workers trained
2422 Frontline facility-based healthcare workers trained
37986 Copies of nutrition literacy materials provided
44 Health facilities upgraded
543 Women screened for gynaecological conditions
664813 Community members educated
95 Health workers trained on service provision
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Results & Indicators

Expected Results

Ultimate Outcome: Contribute to the reduction of maternal and child mortality in targeted regions.

Intermediate Outcomes:
1. Improved delivery of essential health services to mothers, pregnant women, newborns and children under five;
2. Improved utilization of essential health services by mothers, pregnant women, newborns and children under five;
3. Increased consumption of nutritious foods and supplements by mothers, pregnant women, newborns and children under five.

Achieved Results

Year three Highlights:

1,125 initiatives in the local community and local clubs/associations/ schools to address FGM and CEFM and gender inequality.

644 alliance members and CSOs received training in meaningful youth participation;

78.852 adolescents girls and boys between 15 and 24 utilized SRHR services, including modern contraceptives (including condoms) and safe abortion rate/post-abortion care.

83 schools put Child Protection Policies in place.

588 girls completed vocational training.

5,288 cases of CM and FGM/C were reported had action taken on them by duty bearers.

40 new national and local laws and policies were put into place prohibiting CM and FGM/C. (YIDA 2018 Annual Report)

Year two Highlights:

Trained 820 health care staff working at health facilities to help improve the quality of care for women and children, covering topics such as: pre- and post-natal care, family planning, prevention of the transmission of HIV from mother to child, and managing complications of pregnancy and delivery. The training also focused on sanitation and hygiene to improve health.

Trained 548 community health workers on reproductive, newborn and child health as well as best practices in sanitation and hygiene. Community health workers are essential as they are the first contact for families and are vital for both preventing illness and ensuring early treatment.

Provided education on nutrition to 577 mothers. Topics included breastfeeding, the importance of Vitamin A and other micronutrients for growing children and using local food to prepare nutritious meals.
Dug boreholes at seven health care facilities to enable access to clean water and proper sanitation


MNCH-related indicators
  • %/total households and institutions (schools/clinics) with access to adequate sanitation and hygiene facilities
  • %/total of women attended at least four times during pregnancy by any provider for reasons related to the pregnancy
SDG Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
  • SDG 3.2.2 Neonatal mortality rate
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Associated Projects (If applicable)

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