This project aims to improve the sexual and reproductive health and rights of adolescent girls in the Atlantique and Mono departments of Benin. The project supports more than 108,000 adolescent girls aged 15 to 19 in the full exercise of their fundamental rights in the area of sexual and reproductive health. Project activities include: (1) training health care providers and community health volunteers in sexual and reproductive health and respect for adolescent girls’ rights, including mental health; (2) providing sexual and reproductive health-related equipment to health centers, as well as modernize, expand or rehabilitate them, taking into account environmental standards; and (3) raising awareness among communities in terms of sexual and reproductive health and related rights of adolescent girls. The project works with all relevant stakeholders to achieve these results: from governance structures to local actors; through youth associations and health structures. This approach, among other things, provides a full range of family planning services and has a lasting impact.
The expected outcomes for this project include: (1) increased demand for sexual and reproductive health services, especially among adolescent girls; (2) increased supply of adolescent girl-friendly, rights-based sexual and reproductive health services; and (3) governance structures empowered to better coordinate sexual and reproductive health prevention and care, while respecting the rights of adolescent girls.