Promoting Maternal, Newborn, Infant and Child Sustainable Health Efforts (PROMISE)

Reporting Organization:Children Believe
Total Budget ($CAD):$ 7,735,385
Timeframe: April 1, 2016 - March 31, 2020
Status: Implementation
Contact Information: Tariqul Islam
[email protected]

Partner & Funder Profiles

Reporting Organization

Children Believe

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Country - Total Budget Allocation

Ghana - $ 3,415,946.02 (44.16%)

Rwanda - $ 2,571,241.97 (33.24%)

Malawi - $ 1,748,197.01 (22.60%)

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Areas of Focus

Health - Total Budget Allocation

Primary Health Care (50 %)

Nutrition (25 %)

Reproductive Health & Rights incl. Maternal Health (25 %)

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The initiative aims to reduce maternal and child mortality in Ghana, Malawi and Rwanda through an integrated approach focusing on health service delivery and utilization and improved nutrition. It will help promote respectful and supportive maternity care, as well as mother and baby-friendly environments. It will also help foster engagement by fathers and ensure supportive supervision for new mothers.

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Target Population

Gender and age: Adult women Adult men Adolescent females Under-5 children Newborns
Descriptors: Rural
Total Direct Population: 90,317
Total Indirect Population: 218,523
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105 Staff trained (M/F) on data collection, documentation and gender sensitive analysis and reporting
15 Stakeholder coordination meetings held at District level
740 Gender sensitive training materials reproduced
88 Relevant materials/equipment provided for referrals
9 Health facilities provided with laptops and desktops for the HMIS system
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Results & Indicators

Expected Results

The ultimate outcome of the PROMISE project is to contribute to the reduction of maternal and child mortality in the intervention areas in the three countries mentioned above. The intermediate outcomes
below serve as the conduit through which this ultimate outcome will be reached.
Intermediate Outcome (1): Improved delivery of essential health services to mothers, pregnant women,
newborns and children under five,
Increased capacity of relevant district/county health authorities to manage and coordinate gender responsive integrated MNCH and RH services
Increased knowledge and skills of Community Health workers (male and female) to deliver gender responsive integrated MNCH services

Increased access of target groups to functional health facilities equipped to deliver gender-responsive integrated MNCH services

Intermediate Outcome (2): Improved utilization of essential health services by mothers, pregnant women,
newborns and children under-five,
Strengthened capacity of community based health promoters and influential community
members including women to implement and support gender responsive integrated MNCH
Increased knowledge and skills among mothers, fathers and other target groups on prevention
and early treatment of leading MNCH diseases
Improved capacity of women and their families for decision making in health seeking behaviors
and uptake of gender responsive integrated MNCH services

Intermediate Outcome (3) Increased consumption of nutritious foods and supplements by mothers,
pregnant women, newborns and children under-five.
Improved knowledge and skills of communities (male and female) on optimal feeding and
nutrition practices especially during the first 1000 days
Improved access to community-based nutrition interventions
Increased accessibility of nutritious foods, micronutrient supplements and therapeutic products
to prevent and rehabilitate malnutrition

Achieved Results



MNCH-related indicators
  • %/total of infants (0-5 months) who are fed exclusively with breast milk
  • %/total of mothers, and %/total of babies, who received postnatal care within two days of childbirth
  • %/total of women attended at least four times during pregnancy by any provider for reasons related to the pregnancy
SDG Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
  • SDG 3.1.1 Maternal mortality ratio
  • SDG 3.1.2 Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel
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Associated Projects (If applicable)

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