Introducing the Lead On Canada “Spotlight On Haiti”

Lead On Canada is shining a light on one of the country’s best-kept secrets – Canadian leadership in global women and children’s health. One area where Canadian leadership and innovation has continued to make an impression is Haiti.

Photo Credit: Partners in Health Canada

Many Canadians know of Canada’s involvement in disaster response efforts in Haiti following the 2010 earthquake, but unfortunately, they know far less about the long-term work that Canadian organizations are doing to improve the health, rights and wellbeing of Haitians.

Lead on Canada is addressing this knowledge gap through the “Spotlight On Haiti” series. The work of fifteen Canadian organizations and their local partners will be featured in blogs, videos, photos, trivia, and more to highlight Canadian impact in areas such as: 

  • Child nutrition  
  • Water, sanitation & hygiene
  • Cholera prevention
  • Child psychological health 
  • Emergency obstetric care
  • Midwifery
  • Health system strengthening
  • Humanitarian response efforts

The Spotlight began on January 12th — the anniversary of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti — and continue until January 28th, 2019. 

Photo Credit: Partners in Health Canada

You can follow the activity on the Lead On Canada Facebook hub and like, share or comment on the featured content. Canadians are making an impact in Haiti – use #LeadOnCanada and #CanadainHaiti in your posts to celebrate these achievements!

Lead On Canada 

Canada is leading the way in championing the health rights and needs of the world’s most marginalized people through a unique partnership of Canadian organizations and individuals. The time is now to let your friends and family know you’re proud of Canada’s leadership in supporting the health rights of women and children by sharing the Lead on Canada campaign.


January 10, 2019




