November 2019 Newsletter

CanWaCH staff at a registration table

CanWaCH Annual General Meeting 2019

CanWaCH is proud to be hosting our Annual General Meeting (AGM), as well as interactive conference sessions, on Wednesday, Nov. 27 in Ottawa. These sessions are part of the Summit on Canada’s Global Leadership taking place Nov. 27-28 and co-hosted by CanWaCH, the Canadian Council for International Cooperation (CCIC) and the Canadian Association for the Study of International Development (CASID). Admission to the AGM business meeting from 8:30 to 9:30 am is free for all CanWaCH members. RSVP for the AGM today!

Celebrate Canadian Leadership at our Upcoming Film Festival!

Later that same evening, Nov. 27, join CanWaCH and CCIC for the Festival of Leadership, a showcase of inspiring films that take a closer look at Canada’s investment and leadership in international development. Refreshments will be served, and you’ll have the opportunity to hear from and network with filmmakers, non-profit professionals, and other change-makers. Space is limited so register today!

DIY Digital Marketing on a Dime 

Attention public engagement and communications professionals! You’re invited to our interactive workshop in Ottawa on Tuesday, Nov 26 starting at 1:00 pm. As non-profit development organizations, we are all champions of DIY marketing on a dime, but there is always more to learn! Presented by the CanWaCH Public Engagement Working Group, you will leave this workshop with knowledge of how to make your own quizzes, infographics, videos and more! RSVP today to save your seat.

global health impact expo + exchange logo

Save the Date! The CanWaCH Global Health Impact Expo + Exchange!

On April 28-29, 2020, join us at the scenic 50 Sussex Events in Ottawa for a one-of-a-kind event to advance and showcase Canada’s innovative leadership in global health and gender equality. Brought to you by CanWaCH, the Global Health Impact Expo + Exchange is a dynamic, fast-paced, multi-faceted exposition that will showcase the work of and strengthen connections between CanWaCH members, Global Affairs Canada, and other domestic and international partners working to advance global health and development. 

Take on a leading role and profile at this unique and inspiring event by becoming a partnering organization. We also invite you to tell us why your exhibit or installation should be featured at the Expo. Applications to Exhibit will be accepted until December 20, 2019. Plus, if you’re a small or medium-sized NGO currently with no capacity to exhibit, apply to our SMO Exhibit Development Competition. Winners will be paired with a partnering organization in developing a new exhibit to feature your organization and programs at future events and opportunities, as well as free exhibit space at the Global Health Impact Expo & Exchange. 

Calling All Young Leaders! 

At CanWaCH, we believe that young people are not only the leaders of tomorrow but the leaders of today. Are you a student or young professional interested in global health and gender equality? Then this is the place for you! Explore recent global health news, upcoming events, career and volunteer opportunities that are tailored to youth here

happy child playing in a sprinkler

Participate in #WorldChildrensDay 

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Convention of the Rights of the Child on November 20th, UNICEF Canada is helping Kids Take Over The Future at the first ever Youth Activism Summit. Follow along online with @UNICEFCanada and @OneYouthCanada by using the hashtags #NationalChildDay and #WorldChildrensDay.

Upcoming Webinar: Reporting Results Guide for Partners

On December 5th, CanWaCH will host a webinar with Global Affairs Canada on their updated International Assistance Results Reporting Guide for Partners. Learn what these changes entail while having the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback to Global Affairs on how best to implement changes in reporting requirements. We encourage organizations to submit their questions in advance using this quick and simple surveyRegister today to save your seat.


We need to talk about nutrition transition, Canadian Feed the Children 
Empowering women in Madagascar through clean water, WaterAid Canada 
Global Platform for Action to End FGM/C, Amref Canada 
Street Dramas in Banke District, Nepal (Video), HealthBridge Foundation of Canada 
Quality education for a bright future, Aga Khan Foundation Canada 
Mentorship Award for Dr. Craig R. Janes, Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research (CCGHR) 
« L’humanité doit faire partie prenante de la santé mondiale » : réflexions sur la Conférence canadienne sur la santé mondiale, Société canadienne de santé internationale (SCSI)  
Top 10 reasons why you need to attend the Summit on Canada’s Global Leadership, Summit on Canada’s Global Leadership


November 12-14th, The Nairobi Summit on ICPD25, Nairobi 
November 14th, SDG Leadership Awards Ceremony, Toronto 
November 14th, World Diabetes Day, Global 
November 18-24th, World Antibiotic Awareness Week, Global 
November 19th, World Toilet Day, Global 
November 20th, Spur Change 2019 National Conference, Edmonton 
November 20th, A Nice Change: Meet Kenyan activist working to end female genital mutilation/cutting, Toronto 
November 20th, Universal Children’s Day, Global 
November 20th, Webinar – Beyond the Ballot, Online
November 25th, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Global 
November 25th – December 10th, 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, Global  
November 27-28th, Summit on Canadian Global Leadership, Ottawa 
November 27th, CanWaCH AGM, Ottawa & Online 
November 27th, Festival of Leadership, Ottawa
December 2-6th, Gender Equality & Women, Peace and Security in International Operations,  Ottawa 
December 3rd, corps et graphies, Montreal 

Add your event to the More Canada Events Calendar.


Mama na Mtoto, Global Health Writing Contest, Canada 
IDRC, Expressions of interest for researching on scaling the impact of educational innovations, Canada 
Grand Challenges Canada, Various Positions, Toronto 
CanWaCH, Stakeholder Engagement Officer, Virtual (Canada) 
Canadian Feed the Children, Monitoring & Evaluation Advisor, Toronto 
Canadian Feed the Children, Senior Accountant (International & Canada Programs), Ottawa/Toronto 
CARE Canada, Various Positions, Ottawa 
Youth Coalition, Program Manager, Ottawa 
Canadian Red Cross, Senior Manager, Direct Marketing, Canada 
Action Canada, Director of Operations, Ottawa 
Action Canada, Institutional Grants Coordinator, Ottawa 
Equality Fund, Various Positions, Canada 
Canadian Red Cross, Various Volunteer Positions, Global


November 13, 2019




