We are thrilled to announce the return of the CanWaCH Academy from June 5-8, 2023. This series of online sessions will be held daily between 10:30 am and 4:30 pm EDT. All sessions have been carefully curated to meet the learning interests of CanWaCH members hoping to develop new skills and hone existing ones.
Thank you for joining us for CanWaCH Academy 2022!
The CanWaCH Academy welcomed over 1,000 registrants and 24 speakers across 11 separate sessions! Thank you to all that joined, participated, and contributed to an enriching week of learning. The recordings and resources from the sessions can now be accessed below:
Monday, May 2
- 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EDT, Evidence to Action: Crafting a high impact policy brief
- 12:30 – 1:30 pm EDT, Interactive Session: Global Affairs Canada’s Public Engagement Results Framework
- 1:30 – 3:00 pm EDT, Data Equity Framework Training
Tuesday, May 3
- 11:00 – 12:30 pm EDT, Shaking up the MEAL-tree: lessons learned from implementing principle-guided approaches
- 12:30 – 1:30 pm EDT, Gender and Programming Toolbox: Meet and Greet with a suite of four key technical programming tools
- 1:30 – 3:00 pm EDT, Grant Writing 101
Wednesday, May 4
- 11:00 am – 12:00 pm EDT, Reflecting on Workplace Burnout and the Path to Recovery, Renewal and Resilience
- 12:00 – 1:30 pm EDT, Canadian Press Style Training with LinkedIn Certification
- 1:30 – 3 pm EDT, REPORTÉ : Atelier sur la rédaction inclusive
Thursday, May 5
- 11:00 am – 1:00 pm EDT, Power and Privilege: Bias (and Unconscious Bias) Training
- 1 – 2:30 pm EDT, Speed Dating with CanWaCH’s Virtual Gender Equality Training
- 2:30 – 3 p.m. EDT, CanWaCH Academy Closing and a Special Announcement
Evidence to Action: Crafting a high impact policy brief
Monday, May 2, 2022, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EDT
Policy briefs are an important tool used to present research and make recommendations to a diverse range of stakeholders. They serve to communicate evidence-based policy advice in order to support readers in making informed decisions. While there is no “one size fits all approach”, there are several common tactics that can be used to develop a compelling policy brief. In this workshop, participants will learn about best practices when it comes to the approach, structure, language and design of high impact, high influence policy briefs.
Who should attend this session: Policy advisors, researchers, programming staff, communications practitioners and anyone involved in crafting briefing notes or policy briefs for management, boards, funders, government or other decision-makers.
*Please note this event includes English and French Simultaneous Translation.
Interactive Session: Global Affairs Canada’s Public Engagement Results Framework
Monday, May 2, 2022, 12:30 – 1:30 pm EDT
An important part of any project or initiative is establishing the criteria for success. However, evaluating public engagement projects and their impacts can be challenging. Join us for an interactive introduction to Global Affairs Canada’s preliminary Results Framework for Public Engagement in International Development. You will:
- Get an overview of Global Affairs Canada’s draft Results Framework for Public Engagement in International Development.
- Be able to provide feedback and suggestions to inform Global Affairs Canada’s approach to achieving results through public engagement
Who should attend this session: communications and public engagement professionals, social media managers, and anyone responsible for reporting on Global Affairs Canada funded programs and projects with public engagement components.
*Please note this event includes English and French Simultaneous Translation.
Data Equity Framework Training
Monday, May 2, 2022, 1:30 – 3:00 pm EDT
Have you ever wondered about equitable approaches to data projects? In this session, you will learn how to use The Data Equity Framework developed by We All Count. The Framework breaks down any kind of data work into seven universal stages. Each of the seven stages identifies key equity decision points and offers simple, practical tools to help make those decisions in a way that reflects you or your organization’s definition of equity. The Framework has been used in the social sector, government, corporate settings, academic studies on every scale from surveys to a national census, from big data to grassroots.
Who should attend this session: If you make decisions based on data, work with stakeholders who make decisions based on data, build models with data, craft policies with data, or conduct evaluation with data, this workshop is for you.
*Please note this event includes English and French Simultaneous Translation.
Shaking up the MEAL-tree: lessons learned from implementing principle-guided approaches
Tuesday, May 3, 2022, 11:00 – 12:30 pm EDT
Many recognize the need to change the ways monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning activities are carried out, and to ensure that communities gain ownership over how change and success are defined. Principles-guided approaches, such as Feminist MEAL and ColMEAL, help get us closer to this change. This session will illustrate how some implementation challenges have been overcome through the use of practical examples from global health projects.
Who should attend this session: monitoring and evaluation professionals, program and project professionals, gender equality experts, and those working in global health with an interest in transformative approaches to MEAL.
*Please note this event includes English and French Simultaneous Translation.
Gender and Programming Toolbox: Meet and Greet with a suite of four key technical programming tools
Tuesday, May 3, 2022, 12:30 – 1:30 pm EDT
At the end of this session, you will walk away with a clear understanding of four practical resources, where to find them, what they cover, and an example use case. This is your quick way to be introduced to four key CanWaCH tools for your gender and programming toolbox. The suite of four key technical programming tools include: Guidance Note on Measuring Women’s Empowerment in the Global Health Sector, Technical Guidance Note on Developing Monitoring and Evaluation Plans for Global Health & Rights Programs, Beyond the Binary: A Guidance for Inclusion of LGBTI People in Development Activities, and the Francophone Gender Lexicon. We have dedicated 15 minutes to each product, allowing you a quick but meaningful glimpse into each product’s purpose and use.
Who should attend this session: monitoring and evaluation professionals, program and project professionals, gender equality and inclusion experts, francophone professionals and those working in global health with an interest in gender transformative approaches to programming.
*Please note this event includes English and French Simultaneous Translation.
Grant Writing 101
Tuesday, May 3, 2022, 1:30 – 3:00 pm EDT
A comprehensive, deep-dive into everything related to grant development! This 90-minutes power session will focus on three micro-modules to help you enhance your grant writing talent: writing fundamentals, prospect research and revenue diversification.
During this session, you will learn:
- Traditional and trending techniques to sharpen your grant writing craft
- How to apply a solid research methodology to support grant discovery, prospect management and new lead generation
- How to diversify your existing grant program portfolio with the goal of evolving from a solo-revenue source to a multi-source revenue program
Who should attend this session: New practitioners to the field of grant writing, novice writers looking to develop new skills, and veteran fundraisers who are looking for a “new way” to approach grant development.
*Please note this event includes English and French Simultaneous Translation.
Reflecting on Workplace Burnout and the Path to Recovery, Renewal and Resilience
Wednesday, May 4, 2022, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm EDT
After more than two years of pandemic life with ongoing lockdowns, work from home, school closures, sickness, additional caregiving duties and digital fatigue, many Canadians are physically, emotionally and mentally challenged – in short, they have burnout! Gain greater insight and analysis from public opinion research on the widespread burnout being felt across the country and learn why it’s important to consider how it impacts their work and personal lives. This session will also explore other unique human resource challenges that employers and employees in the international development sector are facing as Canadians cautiously look towards the future, and what strategies and solutions can support recovery, renewal – and resilience – for all!
Who should attend this session: Leaders and managers seeking to understand and support their teams through challenging times or anyone experiencing burnout or wanting to support their coworkers and managers in navigating their workplace and personal lives.
*Please note this event includes English and French Simultaneous Translation.
Canadian Press Style Training with LinkedIn Certification
Wednesday, May 4, 2022, 12:00 – 1:30 pm EDT
Learn how to write clearly, accurately and concisely from the authorities on Canadian Press (CP) style from former Stylebook editor, Patti Tasko. The Canadian Press Stylebook is used by newsrooms, classrooms and offices nationwide.
During this session, you will learn:
- The most common writing errors and how to avoid them.
- Real-life tricks to help you write and edit effectively.
- Communicating with impact (general principles of good writing)
- Canadian spelling rules
- Capitalization
- Abbreviations and acronyms – when to use and when to avoid
- Numbers
- Punctuation pointers (commas, dashes, hyphens, apostrophes, etc.)
Bonus feature! Receive your CP Style Certification on LinkedIn when you attend this workshop and take a short quiz.
Who should attend this session: Communications practitioners, policy advisors, researchers, social media managers or anyone looking to elevate your writing and grammar – in the Canadian way!
Important Note: Due to the certification associated with this workshop, as well as to discourage ‘no-shows’ in this limited capacity session, there is a small fee of $10 to register for this workshop.
*This session will only be delivered in English.
REPORTÉ : Atelier sur la rédaction inclusive
Mercredi 4 mai 2022, 13 h 30 – 15 h, HAE
Nous regrettons de vous informer qu’en raison d’une maladie, l’atelier d’aujourd’hui sur la rédaction inclusive est reporté au 17 mai, de 10 h à 12 h, HAE. Votre inscription a été mise à jour automatiquement. Nous vous prions d’inscrire la nouvelle date à votre agenda. Encore une fois, nous nous excusons pour cet inconvénient. Veuillez nous contacter pour toute question ou préoccupation.
La rédaction épicène, le langage non sexiste, la communication non genrée : cette formation démystifie la rédaction inclusive. En utilisant la terminologie développée pour la politique éditoriale des organismes Les 3 sex* et le Club Sexu, la pratique de rédaction inclusive a été divisée en trois types, lesquels peuvent s’appliquer selon le texte et le lectorat ciblé.
Cet atelier vous permettra d’aborder les points suivants :
- Qu’est-ce que la rédaction inclusive et quels sont ses trois types?
- Différentes techniques appuyées par des exemples concrets.
- Quel type de rédaction inclusive utiliser selon le contexte et le lectorat?
- Comment rendre un texte inclusif et quelques mythes sur la rédaction inclusive.
Un petit guide sera remis à chaque participant·e. Cette formation est complémentaire au guide signé et publié par Les 3 sex* et le Club Sexu.
* Cet atelier est offert en français seulement.
Power and Privilege: Bias (and Unconscious Bias) Training
Thursday, May 5, 2022, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm EDT
Reconciliation, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) starts with recognizing personal and systemic forms of privilege. We all benefit from some form of privilege. This workshop facilitated by Breakfast Culture helps professionals – regardless of their identities, backgrounds or work functions – realize this fact in a relevant, engaging and approachable fashion. Through the use of popular culture references and storytelling, participants will discuss representation and why it is important.
Who should attend this session: senior leaders and managers, operations and human resources professionals, programming and gender equality professionals, communications and public engagement professionals, monitoring and evaluation professionals, anyone who wishes to deepen their understanding of power and privilege.
*Please note this event includes English and French Simultaneous Translation.
Speed Dating with CanWaCH’s Virtual Gender Equality Training
Thursday, May 5, 2022, 1 – 2:30 pm EDT
Find out if CanWaCH’s Gender Equality training is right for you! In this introductory session, you will get a teaser of our extensive gender equality training focused on building organizational capacity and confidence in gender transformative programming. If you are looking for a clear, practical and applicable understanding of what it means for a program to be gender transformative, then this session is for you. Gender transformation is not only the job of Gender Equality Advisors – everyone has a role to play in advancing gender equality.
Who should attend this session: those working in global health with an interest in understanding and communicating gender transformative approaches to programming. This can be monitoring and evaluation professionals, program and project professionals, gender equality and inclusion experts, etc.
*Please note this event includes English and French Simultaneous Translation.
CanWaCH Academy Closing and a Special Announcement
Thursday, May 5, 2022, 2:30 – 3 pm EDT