The project aims to provide support to the health system at the peripheral level in the Kinshasa province. More precisely, it helps three health zones in the N’sele district and four health zones in the La Funa district to develop the administrative and technical capacities allowing them to offer quality essential services that are more accessible financially and geographically. It also aims to develop and reinforce the leadership capacity of the management teams to allow for an effective and efficient management of the health system. The project activities mainly focus on developing and building the technical and administrative capacities of health officials and managers of health facilities in the seven targeted zones.
The expected intermediate outcomes for this project include: i) increased utilization of the available primary health care sercives by men, women, girls and boys in the targeted health zones; ii) improved management of local public health services, including measures to improve gender equality.
Results achieved as of March 2014 include the following: 1) Several hospitals have carried out an assessment of rehabilitation and construction needs, contracting processes and construction work. 2) Several hospitals have been outfitted with medical equipment and computers, enabling them better to manage cases referred by health centres. 3) The bed occupancy rate at general referral hospitals has increased from 48.29 percent to 49.75 percent for La Funa District, and 36.4 percent to 47.5 percent for N’sele District. 4) The prenatal consultation rate has increased from 31.8 percent to 43 percent for La Funa District, and from 38 percent to 39 percent for N’sele District. 5) the capacities of hospital managers, district managers and health zone managers were strengthened: 148 providers in hospital hygiene, 16 managers in health care management, 17 technicians in best sanitation practices and 97 members of health zone core teams in gender equality were trained. 6) The representation of women has increased decision-making community development decision-making committees has increased.
These results are helping to build the capacity of hospitals to accommodate patients, to build the management capacity of health zone managers, and to provide better health services to the population of the La Funa and N’sele districts.